A passion for health and helping

About Me

I started my professional journey as an educator in health and PE at the secondary level for over a decade. During that time I earned a personal training, and lifestyle and weight management coach certification, and completed my master’s degree in exercise science. I took time off when I had my twins, but if you now me, par for the course with my personality, also completed my doctoral degree in health education and earned my Certified Health Education Specialist certification during that time.

I reentered the working world after my kids started school as a virtual educator, and worked my way up to assistant director at an edtech company.  Working was definitely different after kids. Not only did I have a new purpose, but juggling it all, especially with a traveling husband, was a lot to handle to say the least! I then had the opportunity to teach back in the schools, but after realizing the toll it was taking on my mental and physical health, I realized I need to use my strengths and passions in a way I could be home with my kids and be more present. This led me to coaching the everyday superheroes we call mom.

APEX Coaching With Lora LLC

So if the last section was too long, here is the TLDR version! I started APEX Coaching With Lora to help moms find themselves again. So much of our identity is wrapped up in “momming” and our health, our needs, and our interests tend to take a backseat. Often, what we think is in our way doesn’t have to be, and how we approach challenges can change how we perceive a situation. Our minds are amazing!

I have spoken at conferences about the power of mindset and followed the research on behavior change and what it takes to adopt healthy behaviors that are truly life-changing. I want to share these strategies to help other moms become the best version of themselves.


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Health Coaching for Moms by Moms

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